Justice for Ralph Yarl

Media Source: GoFund Me
Article by: BCCA Staff
Published: 21st April 2022
Link to GoFund Me

The shooting of Ralph Yarl is a tragic reminder of the daily dangers that Black youth face. It is also a reminder of the urgent need to invest in and protect Black youth. This is not only a moral imperative but also an economic one. Investing in Black youth is critical to the growth of the Canadian economy.

According to Statistics Canada, Black youth in Canada face higher unemployment rates, lower median incomes, and lower levels of educational attainment than their non-Black peers. These disparities are particularly pronounced for Black youth in urban areas. For example, in Toronto, the unemployment rate for Black youth is 28%, compared to 14.8% for non-Black youth.

These disparities have a significant economic cost. According to a Black Business and Professional Association report, the lack of diversity in the Canadian workforce costs the country $30-40 billion annually. This is because more diverse companies are more innovative, have better decision-making, and are more likely to capture new markets. In short, equity is good for business.

Investing in Black youth is critical to creating a more diverse and innovative workforce. This means investing in education, job training, and mentorship programs that help Black youth develop the skills and networks they need to succeed. It also means investing in community organizations that provide support and resources to Black youth. The BC Community Alliance is a non-profit organization that works to support and empower Black youth in British Columbia. We provide various services, including mentorship, educational workshops, and scholarships.

We created BCCA to address the unique challenges Black youth in Canada face. By providing support and resources to Black youth, the BC Community Alliance is helping to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Protecting and investing in Black youth is critical to the growth of the Canadian economy. Black youth face significant disparities in education and employment, which have a compelling economic cost. Investing in education, job training, and mentorship can create a more diverse and innovative workforce. That’s why we wake up daily knowing BC Community Alliance is doing vital work to support and empower Black youth in Canada. We must help and invest in organizations like ours to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

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