What We Do
BC Community Alliance (BCCA) is dedicated to addressing the structural inequities created by racism, especially anti-Black racism, within education settings in British Columbia. We advocate for education reform to include:

BCCA advocates for education reform by:
- conducting research to better understand the current challenges students and educators face while creating more inclusive educational environments
- networking with individuals and organizations committed to the actualization of just and inclusive education
- petitioning to representatives to demand action to address anti-black racism in schools

BCCA is working with a team of educators, administrators, and academics to develop curriculum and training materials that can be used to create a more inclusive educational setting within our schools throughout the province.
With anti-racism training for all teachers and staff to comprehensive Canadian Black History curriculum for K-12, BCCA is working to creating resources to combat racism in schools.

BCCA is creating opportunities and providing resources to empower young people to speak up against anti-Black racism.
We are working with schools and high school students to develop programs such as teacher-student advisory boards and a regional network of Black student unions.
BCCA works with and supports youth-driven community groups with resources and connections to empower them continue carrying out their work.
How can you get involved?
There are various ways you can get involved and support BCCA. Add your voice to our cause and sign one of our petitions, sign-up to our mailing list for updates on our work, volunteer, and or donate.

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